
Top Ten Reasons to Travel by RV Than by Plane

Travel on your schedule-  no driving to the airport 2 hours before time to sit and wait for you turn to get on a plane.  So if you have a 9 a.m. flight that means you need to be at the airport @ 7a.m. so you probably need to up by 5a.m. to make this all work.  Traveling by RV, means that you get to wake up and leave on your schedule, you can get up at 8a.m. and leave at 9 a.m.

Privacy & Comfort-  when was the last time that you were comfortable on an airplane?  Traveling by RV gives you plenty of space to move around and stretch out your legs.  Why have to sit next to somebody who might have a cold or the smelly person who always seems to end up on your flight.  You also get to use your own bathroom instead of that cramped smelly bathroom on an airplane.

No dealing with airport/airline service-  Instead of spending $8.00 for a sandwich or $12.00 to have chips and a soda to go with it (and there not that great)  You can get up and make yourself a hot meal or whatever you have decided to fill up your fridge with.  You can eat when you want and as much as you want.

KOA instead of TSA-  Who wants to deal with standing in line at the security check point, going thru x-ray machines, taking off your shoes and belts?  Not very much fun, plus you can take as much fluid ounces with you on your journey not just 3oz.

RV's let you see the Country-  RV's give you the opportunity to see the countryside, things that you can't see from an airplane.  You get to see mountains, rivers, sunrises, sunsets and wildlife, all from the convenience of your RV.  Who wants to travel in a crammed space & uncomfortable for 5 or 6 hours, you get to make your own layovers and enjoy whats around you.  With an RV you can go wherever you want whenever you want.

Quality time-  What is more important then spending time with your family.  The kids can be sitting playing a board game, rather than being uncomfortable and complaining about how much longer till the plane lands.  The family gets to see and experience all that this country has to offer, rather than just flying over it.  Our motto "Families that play together, stay together!"

Sleep in Comfort-  RV's give you the opportunity to sleep in comfort, in your own bedding without hoping the previous sheets have been changes. (bed bugs, no thank you)  Pull over on the beachfront open up the window lay down and enjoy the fresh air,  get up when your nap is over and continue on your journey.

Save money-   No need to spend money on Hotels and Restaurants on top of those expensive plane tickets.  You get to take your home away from home with you, so you have all the amenities that you, eat whenever you want and sleep whenever you want.  (the kids can get up and make a sandwich, use the restroom or take a nap)  Despite record-breaking fuel prices, typical RV trips remain the least expensive type of vacation, according to a new study comparing vacation costs. RV family vacations are on average 27 to 61 percent less expensive than other types of vacations.

No lost luggage-  Why worry about hoping that your luggage gets to your destination when you RV you can nicely put your luggage in dresser draws and hanging in a closet.

FREEDOM-  Go where you want when you want, This has always been the number one reason for RVing over flying!!

Imagine the vacations that are possible!!